Position Yourself for Infrastructure Funding with an Asset Management/Capital Improvement Plan



September 08 at 12:00 PM

Virtual Event

Presented by HRG, Inc.

Millions of dollars are available in infrastructure grants, but the competition for funding is fierce. Successful applicants must:

Demonstrate why a project is necessary and how it will benefit the community.
Demonstrate they have a plan and the necessary resources to get the project built and maintain it so it lasts.
Find funding agencies and legislators that share their project goals and values.

An asset management and capital improvement program helps you do that by:

Documenting the condition of infrastructure and evaluating its importance to the community
Identifying repair and replacement needs
Ranking those needs according to the likelihood and impact of failure
Preparing planning-level cost estimates

Attend this webinar to learn:
• What grant agency decision makers want to see in a winning proposal
• How an asset management and capital improvement can be used to provide that information
• How to get started with asset management and capital improvement planning in your community.