County Infrastructure Banks: An Innovative Approach to Financing Infrastructure Improvements



August 13 at 12:00 PM

Virtual Event

Presented by HRG, Inc.

Local government officials are increasingly listing infrastructure repair and replacement as a top priority for their community, but their budgets are being besieged by rising costs and federal mandates.

Innovative solutions for infrastructure funding are needed to stretch public dollars further, and county infrastructure banks are one solution gaining considerable attention and praise.

Attend this webinar to see how county officials across the state are using infrastructure banks to protect public safety and promote economic development in their communities.

You’ll hear real-world examples of how infrastructure banks are being used to:
• Stretch limited dollars further and accomplish more projects
• Provide both funding and project delivery support to municipalities that otherwise wouldn’t have the resources or staff to complete complex infrastructure improvements.
• Target money to long-term, strategic planning goals for the region.