MS4 Stream Restoration BMPs: A Turnkey Implementor’s Perspective on Cost-effective and Resilient Stream Restoration (and Creative Partnerships)
September 14 at 11:30 AM
Virtual Event
It’s well established that stream restoration is the most cost-effective MS4 BMP, when considering large sediment reduction projects in the pursuit of MS4 permit compliance. However, not all stream restoration BMPs are equal. Design approaches vary by their efficiency, and stream projects inherently have a lot of complicating factors (land ownership, existing utilities, long term maintenance, flooding concerns, etc). While we’re still learning (thru making mistakes and course corrections along the way), the RES team would like to share some insights gained from having designed, permitted, constructed, and now maintaining over 40 miles of stream restoration across PA for dozens of compensatory mitigation and MS4 programs. Additionally, we’ll cover some of the creative funding partnerships that have been developed around the state to help MS4 permittees tackle the daunting task of funding these projects.
Speakers: RES team